See the Projects
At Human Centered Cities Lab, we work on various projects at the intersection of enhancing the connection between humans and the built world.

From Data to Design: How Does the Transportation Infrastructure Affect Pedestrian Well-being Metrics?
Funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) through the Engineering Research Initiation (ERI) Program, this project aims to uncover the mechanisms by which our pedestrian infrastructure can directly or indirectly affect pedestrian well-being outcomes from various aspects such as stress, emotion, and physical wellness. Read more about the project here.

Steering through Time: Predicting Driver’s Cognitive Load at Different Levels of Autonomy
Funded by the Villanova Insitute for Research and Scholarship and through the CATALYST program, we are interested in understanding how psychobehavioral data can help us predict driver performance at different levels of autonomy. We take advantage of our state-of-the-art driving simulator to better understand the relationship. Read more about the grant here!

Construction Worker Cognitive Performance
Funded by the Sports and Performance Engineering at Villanova University, we are uncovering how the human-robot interaction in construction sites affects construction worker’s cognitive and mental performance. Through using real-world conditions and multiple channels of sensing mechanisms, and by direct collaboration with the newest member of our lab, Blue, this project sheds light on the pathways that various levels of collaboration can degrade or enhance performance.